Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Read at your own risk

Was just surfing the Cheezburger network for some laughts and ended up on GraphJam for some reason.Some of the graphs even made me laugh a bit but than i had to read this one and i thought I'd share it with you all and ruin your day.
WHY Internet WHYYYYY?! I was finally able to forget and you shove it right back into my face ....


Mr Bouchard said...

The funny thing is that I don't mind this video anymore. I still wouldn't want to watch it anymore but I think I've seen some worst videos and pictures!

Diego said...

Man i remember when it came out, everybody was paralyzed

The fact that nowadays it isn´ too much of a big impact it´s pretty concerning =\

ninjastk said...

Feels average man.

River said...

I think there's worse stuff in the internet

Tomas Fer said...

Feels bad

Anonfourtwenty said...

That chart explains my life...

Michael V said...

I think the same as River ;) !
By the way, your blog is great. Thanks for sharing stuff like that. Keep it up !

brendan said...

lol we will never forget the 2 girls and the 1 cup

The Informant said...

Ehhhh I've seen worse lol

ThatGuy said...

How true, how true. I like the vids of people reactions to it.

Ratch said...

haha, havent seen that but i am glad i didnt

johngrn89 said...

The internet will always find ways of getting that video back in 2 youre head :P